How Site Feeds Work in Blogger

Site feeds are an important feature of blogspot blogs. When site feeds are turned ON, visitors can subscribe to feeds collected from the content of your blog posts and comments. A feed reading service then sends the title, a short description, author, and date or time stamp as an XML file to a website, application, or mobile device from where the subscribers can then read the information at their own leisure.

Blogger blogs have three types of feeds that you can directly control within Blogger: Blog posts, Blog Comments, and Per-Post Comment feeds. You can turn them all off or choose to transmit the full content of an individual feed, its short description, or nothing at all. The fourth type of feed is label feeds. We will look at them later on in this chapter.
Choosing a Feed Protocol for Your Blog
There are two feed protocols popular with blog visitors. Both of them use XML to wrap content and deliver it as feeds. If you prefer one over the other, or if you know that your audience does, you can specify the feed protocol. Atom: It is officially known as Atom Syndication Protocol. It is a popular feed protocol, and it is the one used for Blogger feeds by default. RSS: The popular definition is Really Simple Syndication. No one actually agrees on what it stands for. It is usually the first acronym to come to mind when people think of feed syndication. It is actually a protocol, the way Kleenex is the name of a brand of tissue.
Multiple Feed Protocol Icons Confuse Visitors
Choose one protocol, RSS or Atom, and go with it। You've visited blogs and other sites with multiple feed buttons. The average person only finds them confusing. Many people have sophisticated feed reader services that can detect the types of available feeds and capture them automatically. You can also redirect your blog feeds to a third-party service, and let it serve feeds to your visitors and the world at large.
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